

Safe, energy-conscious and cost-effective.

Heating and cooling system in the container.

Commercial real estate. Office spaces also need to be cooled in summer and heated in winter. Technical and server rooms with a lot of waste heat also require uniform climatic conditions.

Challenge / Renew or expand an existing system for heating and cooling a commercial property quickly and without interruption, even though there is no space available for this in the building.

Solution / Place heat pumps, hydraulics and all other peripheral devices completely pre-assembled in a modern designed container, place it next to the building and connect the system ready for operation in just a few days.

Burgkunstadt, Germany

Good design is functional and environmentally friendly!

Impressive design. Product designer Marco A. Müller has been shaping the look of electronic style icons for years. When building his private house, he places equally high demands on design and functionality.

Challenge / As a designer, Marco Müller had clear ideas about a house. In André Rösch he found the right architect who immediately understood his way of thinking about function and form. Together they developed a simple, rectangular structure, two storeys, of timber frame construction. Wood, metal, glass, open spaces.

Solution / When selecting the manufacturer, System M was quickly chosen. Not only because it was a recommendation from the architect. The overall package for heating and cooling was simply convincing

Redwitz, Germany

Sustainable Lifestyle.

Back home. After many years in various metropolises around the world, architect André Rösch has returned to his hometown in Upper Franconia and is fulfilling his dream of living and working sustainably under one roof.

Challenge / In 2017, Rösch acquired a dilapidated 19th century barn near his parents' house in Redwitz an der Rodach and converted it into a residential and office building using the latest ecological findings. The heating system should be ideally tailored to the architecture and surroundings.

Solution / The choice fell on the energy-efficient heat pump System M Comfort. The larch wood cladding of the outdoor unit fits perfectly into the ensemble.

Because, Germany

Weekend house.

Country love. Corinna Brix from Munich is drawn to the countryside. Together with her family, the successful photographer and stylist has created a refuge for living and working away from urban conurbations.

Challenge / A residence in the country where weekends and holidays can be spent. On a large plot of land, including a 100-year-old mill, there was enough space for a weekend house with 150 m² of living space. During the construction and interior design, conscious attention was paid to ecological materials and sustainability.

Solution / For an ecologically sensitive issue like heating, fossil fuels were out of the question for the Brix family. After intensive research, the choice clearly fell on System M Compact with 6 kW heating output and 180 l hot water tank. Performance, efficiency, quality, volume, design and ease of use were key criteria in the decision.

System advantage / The investments in the system have paid for themselves in five years - and by using air as a heat source, the system is very environmentally friendly.

Oberviechtach, Germany

Detached house.

We heat and ventilate sustainably. Clear lines, lots of glass, sophisticated insights and perspectives and an open room concept. The modern single-family home in Upper Palatinate sets not only architectural but also energy-efficient standards.

Challenge / A sustainable energy concept for the family of four and the almost airtight and very well insulated house: heating, hot water - and a powerful ventilation system. The tighter the building envelope, the more important it is to have regulated ventilation. This is the only way to prevent the house from sweating and the living environment from suffering.

Solution / The 220 m² single-family house is heated by a Dimplex LA 17TU heat pump - including hot water preparation. The central ventilation system ZL 400 from Dimplex ensures sufficient fresh air in all rooms. And around the clock and completely hygienic.

System advantage / 70% less energy consumption than oil heating and 30% less CO2 emissions. Yearly. 

Ingelheim, Germany

Art Nouveau villa.

We heat indoors and outdoors. The stately two-story Art Nouveau villa in Rhineland-Palatinate was built around 1800 and lovingly renovated in 2012. Inside and outside. The aim was to save as much of the old substance as possible and to emphasize the architectural style.

Challenge / Not only does the house need to be heated efficiently and in an environmentally friendly way, the koi pond in the garden also needs to be brought to the right temperature. The sensitive breeding carp cannot tolerate temperature fluctuations, which means that the water temperature should be as constant as possible.

Solution / A powerful high-temperature brine/water heat pump from Dimplex provides hot water in the house, heats the 430 m² of living space and the koi pond. The radiators could be preserved. This meant: short conversion work and low installation costs. By switching on a second compressor, the heating output can be increased from 11.5 kW to 21.4 kW at short notice if necessary.

System advantage / 55% lower energy costs than oil heating and 52% less CO2 emissions.

Enge-Sande, Germany


We heat high waves. Offshore wind farms on the high seas are important suppliers of green electricity. Building and maintaining the systems is demanding. In northern North Frisia, employees of offshore wind farms at OffTEC are being prepared for the extreme working conditions on the high seas. For example, with artificially generated waves more than two meters high.

Challenge / sustainability was required: The new heating concept should use energy from the nearby wind farm and include a solar system to heat 2,000 m³ of North Sea water and service water every day and heat two halls.

Solution / After a geological report, it was clear to Dimplex: Since the company premises are located on a sand dune - unsuitable for probes - air/water heat pumps are the right choice.

System advantage / Eight devices connected in series - divided into two temperature zones - can cover the different heat requirements of new and existing buildings with maximum efficiency.

Stäubli Halle


Stäubli assembly hall.


We heat and cool in a system network.

Between the Fichtel Mountains and Franconian Switzerland lies Bayreuth: home of the Richard Wagner Festival and, above all, the Swiss technology company Stäubli.

Challenge /  The newly built assembly hall with an area of ​​1,700 m² should be heated or cooled as efficiently as possible. Energy saving and environmentally friendly.


Solution /  Two Dimplex air/water heat pumps ensure the right temperature all year round. If the outside temperature drops below 4°C, the second heat source, a pellet boiler, switches on. The heating and cooling water is distributed via an industrial surface heating system in the concrete core of the hall floor. Two buffer tanks ensure that the two heating systems run consistently efficiently.

System advantage /  Depending on needs and outside temperature, the hall can be cooled or heated efficiently.

Salzburg, Österreich

Emsburg Castle.

We also heat in monument protection areas. The small Elmsburg Castle is surrounded by eight hectares of parkland. Since it was built in 1619, several residents have given each other the keys: from princes' bodyguards to Franciscan nuns. It has been privately owned since 2010.

Challenge/ Requested was the conception of a powerful heating system for the main building and the six outbuildings, which should be efficient and quiet. And all monument protection regulations are observed. For example, the existing radiators had to be retained, if only to keep the renovation work as low as possible.

Solution / With four brine/water heat pumps that use groundwater as a heat source via probes, Dimplex guarantees a high flow temperature of 70°C for the radiators.

System advantage / Dimplex created an environmentally friendly solution suitable for old buildings without major renovation work.


Giant’s Causeway Visitor Centre.

We can be active and passive. It was a giant who built the five-kilometer-long dam from around 40,000 evenly shaped basalt columns. That's what an Irish legend says and that's why the causeway is still called Giant's Causeway today. The volcano that actually performed this miracle 60 million years ago no longer exists. For this purpose, a visitor center was built for the UNESCO World Heritage site in 2010.

Challenge / In winter, the visitor center with its 1,800 m² should be heated as sustainably and cost-effectively as possible. The operator National Trust wanted a passive cooling function for the summer.

Solution / Instead of a single, particularly powerful heat pump, three brine/water heat pumps with lower output were installed, which achieve particularly good partial load behavior. A horizontal collector was installed under the parking lot as a heat and cold exchanger, which is connected to the building via a brine/water heat pump.

System advantage / A sustainable and stable feel-good climate with outstanding efficiency values.

Shanghai, China

Grand Theatre.

We enchant Shanghai. In 2001, the Kunqu Opera was declared a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. The modern building complex with the curved roof was opened in 1998 and has been a landmark of the city ever since. With three halls and a total of 2,700 seats, the theater is one of the largest in the People's Republic of China.

Challenge / The heating system for the 12,000 m² building not only had to deliver ideal temperatures with maximum efficiency at all times of the year - but also had to be visible and exceptionally staged for theater goers.

Solution / Eight reversible brine/water heat pumps connected in parallel, each with two compressors, create an optimal climate all year round. The hydraulic connections and the entire piping of the heating/cooling water pipe system were clad in stainless steel and illuminated in such a way that visitors have a spectacular view of the heating heart of the opera.

System advantage / ideal temperatures when the house is full as well as during the break - with excellent efficiency values ​​for heating and cooling.

Hokkaido, Japan


We ensure the right weather. The northern part of the island of Hokkaido is not only the home of the pumpkin of the same name, but also the largest growing area for rice and potatoes in the production of plant-based foods: in winter it can get as cold as -12°C, in summer the thermometer climbs to 22° C

Challenge / Despite the extreme temperatures, the greenhouses must maintain a constant temperature of 22°C. The large nursery Hokkaido Green House Co. Ltd. wanted to replace the existing kerosene burners with modern heat pump technology - and thus save as much energy and operating costs as possible.

Solution / After test runs with various devices, the decision was made to go with the variant with the lowest consumption: air/water heat pumps in combination with brine/water heat pumps and additional use of waste heat.

System advantage / Reliable, environmentally friendly heating – even at -12°C.


Peace and Security Building.

We use every energy source. Addis Ababa is the capital of Ethiopia, home to the UN African Economic Commission and the African Union. The Union, which is extremely important for the continent and its development, received a new peace and security building in 2013 - a donation from the Federal Republic of Germany.

Challenge / Pleasant temperatures for 13,500 m² of office space and over 360 employees. In addition, the fire pond in the garden should be used as an energy source.

Solution / An important part of the sustainable heating and cooling concept are two sprinkler tanks with 100 m³ or 140 m³ water content. A pool is used as a cold water source for summer operation and the resulting waste heat is used for heating operation. A collector in the garden pond also helps to cover peak loads.

System advantage / Individual location factors such as the extinguishing pond can also be integrated and optimally used to increase efficiency.